23 People Become Suspects, Fraud of Subsidized BBM in South Kalimantan Revealed

IdNasional. The misappropriation of subsidized diesel fuel in South Kalimantan was uncovered. A total of 23 people were named as suspects.
"The suspects were arrested at three crime scenes (crime scene), where each crime scene had one group playing," Police Kabareskrim Komjen Arief Sulistyanto told AFP on Monday.

This disclosure is due to the collaboration of the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit and the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) of South Kalimantan Regional Police. Arrests of the suspects were carried out on Sunday, in 3 places namely Gambut District, Banjar Regency and KM 17 Banjar Gas Station, Jalan Bujangga Area, Berangas District, Batola Regency and KM 16 Banjar Gas Station.

Arief said the mode of fraud committed by the suspects was to buy fuel at gas stations using a wooden truck. It turns out that the truck has been modified with a tank inside, which is useful for storing the diesel fuel. This crime also involves unscrupulous employees of gas stations.

"In the first group, 4 tank trucks were secured, 3 shunt trucks, gas station officers, tank truck drivers, warehouse staff and shunt truck drivers. As well as money of around Rp. 183 million. Currently handling by Ditkrimsus (Special Criminal Investigation Directorate) of South Kalimantan Regional Police," explained Arief.

While from the second group, the police secured 5 yard trucks, 2 modified Panther cars and around Rp. 90 million. While from the gas station around Rp 310 million and individual employees.

"During the arrest of the third group, three employees were secured and around 35 kiloliters. For efficiency, the investigation process was submitted to the Batola police station," Arief said.

Arief explained that the actions of the suspects were considered as violating the law because subsidized fuel was only intended for the community, not for industry players.
Arief stressed the focus of the investigation on the bosses of the three groups. The investigator will also expand this case to the alleged TPPU.

"Will be developed to investigate TPPU cases.
"The National Police Bareskrim will provide back up and assistance that is controlled by the Sub-deputy Head of the TPPU," said Arief.

The police ensnared the suspect with Article 55, 56 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 22/2001 concerning Oil and Gas, in conjunction with Article 55, 56 of the Criminal Code and Articles 2 and 3 of Law Number 25/2003 concerning Amendments to Law Number 15/2002 concerning TPPU.


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